Dec 5 – Drive to Agidir

We all had a very leisurely morning.  No need to get up early unless you wanted to explore our little Kasbah or hit the pool.  We opted to sleep in a bit and then have a late breakfast.  


We packed up and worked a bit on some computer issues.

Departure was 1:00 so that everyone would have the time to enjoy our lovely Kasbah.  We could enjoy lunch on the terrace overlooking the river below and the hillside beyond.  And the pool.

The rest of the day was spent traveling to Agidir, a resort town on the Atlantic Ocean.  The drive went through some pretty deep gorges...




and past more interesting villages.


At one of the rest stops we found our first Starbucks in Morocco.

From this rest stop there were great views of the distant mountains.

At the same rest stop there had been an accident just before we arrived.  A truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel.  Besides wrecking his truck he ended up dumping a load of oranges all over the road.  We got there at the end of the clean-up.  But opted not to join in and get our own supply of oranges.

We arrived about 6:00 and spent some time admiring our new hotel.


After settling in everyone headed out on their own for dinner.  We walked with Tara down to the waterfront for dinner.  It looks like it is a great promenade although we couldn’t see much as the area wasn’t that well-lit. 

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